'A vote to leave is the gamble of the century and it will be our children's future on the table if we were to roll the dice'
David Cameron - the day before the Brexit Referendum
The Piano Blog, first post for a while. Probably won't be so regular for the next week or so but just wanted to post as I'm happy to be back at the Piano again. However, this is tempered by the awful events in London. A bridge I've walked over many times and friends walk over every day - so a bitter sweet piece.
Piano Blog - Apologies
Sorry that the blog has gone missing for the last 2 weeks. Basically I've had a serious Chest Infection and not been able to get to the Piano, let alone play it ! 10 days without food has been an interesting and sometimes hallucinogenic experience but not my recommended way of losing weight ! Anyway, I thought I might as well 'give up the Blog for Lent' , recover and come back hopefully refreshed with spring energy at the beginning of April so see you then. Thanks, Paul Field. Because I do not hope to turn again
Because I do not hope Because I do not hope to turn Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope I no longer strive to strive towards such things Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings ? (T S Eliot ' Ash Wednesday') |
The Piano Blog
I'm trying to play the Piano for a while most days. Just improvising whatever comes into my head.
Just to capture a moment. All these pieces are unedited, one take and so mistakes are included ! All Photographs by Ruth Field www.ruthfield.com To see all available downloads and CD's or to become a subscriber and support The Piano Blog & Paul's work go to :
www.paulfield.bandcamp.com 'An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail'
(Edwin Land) To make a donation to Paul & Ruth's work go to :
paypal.me/paulfieldsongwriter |