It's a long way from the streets of Aleppo to the streets of the West this Christmas.
A long way from the Lords of war to the Prince of Peace.
Clifford Grier
15/12/2016 10:17:47
I'm getting hooked on these little blogs. I appreciate your associated written comments, as it gives a glimpse into the thought processes: I sensed the angst and frustration of your spirit over what's happening in Syria.
15/12/2016 12:27:52
Thank you!
Andy Gilbert
15/12/2016 16:50:45
Nice blends of the mellifluous with the jarring and occasional discordant. Yes, God is in ultimate control of the tectonic plates of history, but much of the detail of everyday is pretty ugly and jarring.
16/12/2016 03:30:11
The flow. Only discovered in "structured" spontaneity. Thank you for freely sharing.
16/12/2016 08:18:23
Thank you Paul .x I hear the beauty in the pain . Love to you and Ruth xx
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The Piano Blog
I'm trying to play the Piano for a while most days. Just improvising whatever comes into my head.
Just to capture a moment. All these pieces are unedited, one take and so mistakes are included ! All Photographs by Ruth Field To see all available downloads and CD's or to become a subscriber and support The Piano Blog & Paul's work go to : 'An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail'
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